New Concepts for Structural protection against Earthquake & Noise

We are an advanced research and consultancy company committed to developing new products and technologies through sustainable science practices. Our focus on advanced materials aims to enhance everyday products, making them more intelligent and eco-friendly.
By leveraging applied physics and advanced design techniques, we are at the forefront of pioneering metamaterials a new class of multi-functional materials with engineered properties surpassing those found in nature.
Metamaterials are increasingly becoming popular systems for optical, acoustic, and seismic waves, offering various deployment methods for diverse applications.

Consulting in the realm of mechanical metamaterials for wave absorption and control is an intricate dance at the forefront of engineering innovation. In this dynamic field, consultants serve as the architects of tomorrow’s technologies, navigating the complex interplay between material science, mechanical engineering, and wave dynamics.

Harnessing the power of metamaterials, these consultants pioneer solutions that defy conventional limitations. Whether it’s designing structures to absorb seismic waves, manipulating acoustic waves for soundproofing, or crafting materials with unprecedented mechanical properties, their expertise lies in pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

At the heart of their work lies a deep understanding of wave behavior and material properties. Through meticulous analysis and simulation, consultants identify optimal configurations that optimize wave absorption, manipulation, and control. From intricate lattice structures to ingenious composite materials, every solution is meticulously crafted to meet the unique needs of each project.

But consulting in mechanical metamaterials goes beyond theoretical prowess; it requires a keen eye for practical implementation. Consultants work closely with clients to translate cutting-edge research into tangible solutions that address real-world challenges. Whether it’s enhancing the performance of aerospace structures or revolutionizing the efficiency of renewable energy systems, their innovations have the potential to reshape entire industries.

In this ever-evolving landscape, consultants serve as guides, leading the way towards a future where waves are not obstacles but opportunities waiting to be harnessed. With their expertise, creativity, and unwavering dedication, they pave the way for a world where mechanical metamaterials reign supreme in the quest for wave absorption, control, and beyond.

To transcend the limitations of existing seismic protection methods.

    Current seismic isolation devices do not provide protection against the vertical component of the seismic excitation. – Seismic upgrading in existing structures (e.g. historical buildings) is usually prohibitive – Conventional seismic isolation methods requires large installation/construction costs. To extend noise protection in the low frequency range methodologies. • – Noise Protection measures in the low-frequency range (below 100Hz) are very poor. Yet a wide class of ground vibrations generated by heavy and high-speed vehicles such as trains and trucks (referred as transit vibration) or construction activities (i.e. dynamic compaction, roadbed compaction, pile driving, blasting) present a frequency spectrum well below 100Hz. The notion of “meta-materials” refers to natural or artificial materials or structures which exhibit extraordinary properties for inhibiting or conditioning wave propagation in all spatial directions over broad frequency bands and are already finding successful technological applications for high frequency waves (electromagnetic, optical, thermal, ultra-sound), and for wavelengths limited at micro-/mesoscopic scales. These general developments of metamaterials will be further enriched and advanced through novel absorption and isolation concepts, such as negative effective mass and stiffness moduli media and structures, or novel friction and vibro-impact rocking motion based non-linear mechanisms.

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